JNA 35, 23273 Novo Miloševo, Srbija, 00381(0)69/783-155, 00381(0)63/644-369, banatskikulturnicentar@gmail.com

"BookILL Fest" Festival ilustracije knjige - KONKURS

BookILL Fest Festival ilustracije knjige po drugi put organizuju Banatski kulturni centar i Novosadski sajam u okviru 19. međunarodnog salona knjige u Novom Sadu.
Salon knjige će se održati od 28. februara do 5. marta 2013. godine, a sam Festival ilustracije knjige 1. marta 2013. na Novosadskom sajmu.
BookILL Fest podrazumeva internet konkurs za najbolju ilustraciju knjige, izložbu printova izabranih i nagrađenih radova, proglašenje pobednika i prateće programe.
Ilustrovanje knjiga je specifična i sofisticirana oblast u procesu dizajniranja knjiga. Knjiga je umetnički objekat. Koliko god je važna sadržina knjige, tolika je važna i njena spoljašnost. Ilustrovanje, dizajniranje i opremanje knjiga uopšte su nerazdvojni deo procesa proizvodnje knjiga i s te strane BookILL Fest teži da skrene pažnju na vizuelne umetnike i afirmiše autore koji se bave ilustrovanjem knjiga. Konkursi za ilustraciju knjige su u svetu veoma retki, a time je značaj ovog Festivala veći.

PRIJAVLJIVANJE na Internet konkurs BookILL Fest-a:
Konkurs je otvoren za autore iz celog sveta.
Svaki autor šalje 4 ilustracije knjige i to: obavezno bar 1 ilustraciju naslovne strane knjige i po sopstvenom izboru 3 ilustracije iz knjige, u digitalnoj formi  (JPG,  TIFF, PSD formatu, RGB modu, 300 dpi, do formata A4). 
Sve poslati na e-mail adresu bookillfest@gmail.com
Mogu se slati ilustracije rađene u svim likovnim i grafičkim tehnikama ili kompjuterskim doradama. Dolazi u obzir i fotografija koja je u funkciji ilustracije knjige.
Mogu se slati i neobjavljena likovno-dizajnerska rešenja i objavljene knjige, kao skenirani gotovi radovi ili samo kao projekti. Ukoliko autor želi, može poslati i knjigu na sledeću adresu: Banatski kulturni centar, JNA 35, 23273, Novo Miloševo.
Autori, takođe, treba u e-mailu da pošalju svoje podatke: ime, prezime, adresa, telefon, kratka profesionalna biografija i nazive radova i u okviru koje, od dole navedenih, kategorija šalju radove. Navesti da li je knjiga objavljena ili je u projektu.
Radove slati do 14. februara 2013. godine.

Kategorije za slanje radova:
1. Ilustracija pesničke knjige
2. Ilustracija prozne knjige
3. Ilustracija knjige za decu
4. Fotoilustracija knjige

Proglašenje pobednika i digitalna izložba
Proglašenje pobednika i dodela nagrada održaće se 01. marta 2013. godine na Novosadskom sajmu, kao i otvaranje izložbe selektovanih i nagrađenih radova.
Detaljan program Festivala biće objavljen po završetku konkursa.
Organizator zadržava pravo da izložbu predstavi do sledećeg festivala i u drugim gradovima. Takođe zadražava pravo da, u zavisnosti od radova, štampa publikaciju sa pristiglim radovima u propagandne svrhe izložbe.
Slanjem radova, autori prihvataju gore navedene stavke.

BookILL Fest 2012. godine
Na prošlogodišnji konkurs pristiglo oko 400 radova od 61 autora iz Srbije i 10 drugih zemalja (Mađarska, Rumunija, Nemačka, Slovenija, Italija, Japan, Australija, Bugarska, BIH, Hrvatska).
Žiri je selektovao oko 150 radova od 47 autora koji su bili izloženi na Salonu knjige na Novosadskom sajmu.
Online katalog izložbe Book ILL festa 2012. godine:

Mladi članovi udruženja ilustratora Ilustart aktivno učestvuju u organizaciji Book ILL Festa.

Za sve dodatne informacije, predloge i sugestije, javiti se na e-mail: bookillfest@gmail.com ili telefon: 00381(0)23/781-552.

BookILL Fest
Book Illustration Festival

BookILL Fest - Book Illustration Festival is organized for the second time by Banat Cultural Centre and Novi Sad Fair during the 19th International Book Fair in Novi Sad. Book Fair is going to take place from the 28th of February to 5th of March, 2013, and Book Illustration Festival is going to be organized on the 1st of March, at Novi Sad Fair.
BookILL Fest includes internet competition for the best illustration of the book, exibition of selected works, the announcement of winners, and exhibitions and lectures related to the book illustration.
The book illustration is a specific and sophisticated area in the process of the book`s design. The book is an artistic object. Its outward appearance is as important as its contents. Illustrating, designing, and equipping of books are inseparable parts of the process of book production and that`s why BookILL Fest aims to draw attention to the visual artists and to affirm the artists who illustrate books. Contests for book illustrations are very rare in the world, and thus, this festival is more important.

Registration for the Internet Contest BookILL Fest:
The contest is open for the authors from all over the world.
Each author submits 4 illustrations of the book: at least 1 illustration of the front page is required, and 3 illustrations of their own choice from the book, in digital format (JPG, TIFF, PSD format, RGB mode, 300 dpi, up to A4).
You can send everything to the e-mail address: bookillfest@gmail.com  You can send illustrations done in all artistic and graphic techniques or computer processing. The photographs which illustrate books will be also accepted. Unpublished artistic designs,  published books, scanned, completed  works or just projects will be accepted as well. If the author wants, he/she can send his/her book to the following address: Banatski kulturni centar, JNA 35, 23 273, Novo Miloševo. The authors must send their personal data by email (name, surname, address, phone number, a short professional biography) titles of the works, and the specific category for submission. They should indicate whether the book was published or in the project.
The works must be sent until the 14th of February, 2013.

The categories for submission are:  
1.   Illustration of the poetry book
2.   Illustration of the fiction book
3.   Illustration of the book for children
4.   Photo illustration of the book

The Announcement of the Winners and Digital Exhibition
The announcement of winners and the award ceremony will be held on March the 1st, 2013, at Novi Sad Fair, and the opening of the exhibition of selected and awarded works.
A detailed program of the Festival will be announced at the end of the competition.
The organizer reserves the right to present the exhibition during the following festival and in other towns. It also reserves the right to, depending on the forms of work, print the publication of the received works in order to exhibit and advertise them.
By submitting their works, the authors accept the above mentioned items.

BookILL Fest 2012
At last year's competition over 400 works were received by 61 authors from Serbia and 10 other countries (Hungary, Romania, Germany, Slovenia, Italy, Japan, Australia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Croatia).
The jury selected 150 works by 47 authors that were exposed at the Book Fair in Novi Sad.
Online catalog of Book ILL Fest exibition 2012:

Young members of the Association of Illustrators Ilustart actively participate in the organization of Book ILL Fest.

For additional information, comments and suggestions, contact us via email: bookillfest@gmail.com or phone number: 00381 (0) 23/781-552.


Pozivamo pesnike iz svih evropskih zemalja, da učestvuju na četvrtom EVROPSKOM FEJSBUK PESNIČKOM FESTIVALU, koji će se održati 02. i 03. marta 2013. godine u hali Master Novosadskog sajma, u okviru 19. međunarodnog Salona knjiga, u organizaciji Banatskog kulturnog centra (BKC) i Novosadskog sajma.
EVROPSKIM FEJSBUK PESNIČKIM FESTIVALOM želimo da pokažemo da je poezija univerzalna tvorevina ljudskog duha koja ne priznaje granice i barijere između pesnika, nacija, država i jezika.
Cilj Festivala je da se pesnici koji sarađuju na Fejsbuku (objavljuju svoje pesme, čitaju i komentarišu jedni drugima poeziju) sretnu, lično upoznaju na Festivalu, čuju jedni druge dok govore stihove i pretvore svoju virtuelnu komunikaciju, u oblasti književnosti, u stvarnu. Pesnici koji ne budu u mogućnosti da prisustvuju festivalu moći će da učestvuju virtuelnim putem preko fejsbuka postavljanjem svoje pesme na zidu stranice Festivala na fejsbuku koja glasi: Evropski Fejsbuk pesnički festival.
Način prijavljivanja za učešće na Festivalu: poslati jednu neobjavljenu pesmu na maternjem jeziku i lične podatke (ime, prezime, adresa, telefon) do 14. 02. 2013. godine na e-mail: fejsbukfestival@gmail.com (Molimo pesnike da u prijavi navedu da li će prisustvovati festivalu ili će učestvovati preko fejsbuka. Raspored učešća pesnika za 02. i 03. 03. kao i tačan program festivala biće blagovremeno objavljen.)
Pesme poslate prilikom prijavljivanja biće objavljene u zajedničkom zborniku radova pesama učesnika festivala u izdanju BKC-a kao elektronsko izdanje na cd-u. Žiri BKC-a koji će pratiti rad Festivala, pesnika sa najboljom pesmom nagradiće objavljivanjem nove pesničke knjige (do četiri autorska tabaka) u izdanju BKC-a.
Pravo učešća na Festivalu imaju svi koji pišu poeziju bez ograničenja - starosnog, polnog, verskog, nacionalnog, profesionalnog...
EVROPSKI FEJSBUK PESNIČKI FESTIVAL biće emitovan uživo putem veb kamere na internet adresi www.bkc.devbin.org i na taj način biti dostupan za gledanje kako pesnicima koji ne prisustvuju lično tako i publici celog sveta.
Za učešće na trećem EVROPSKOM FEJSBUK PESNIČKOM FESTIVALU 2012. godine prijavilo se 350 pesnika iz 20 zemalja sveta i oko 100 gradova, od toga je oko 150 pesnika lično učestvovalo na Festivalu, a ostali su učestvovali putem Fejsbuka.
Za sve informacije možete zvati na telefon +381 (0) 23/781-552 ili postaviti pitanje putem e-mail: fejsbukfestival@gmail.com


Poets from all European countries are invited to participate in the fourth EUROPEAN FACEBOOK POETRY FESTIVAL which will take place on the 2nd and the 3rd of March 2013 in Master Hall of Novi Sad Fair, during the 19th  International Book Fair. The festival is organized by Banat's Cultural Center (BKC) and Novi Sad Fair.
EUROPEAN FACEBOOK POETRY FESTIVAL wants to prove that poetry is an universal creation of human spirit which does not recognize borders and barriers among poets, nations, countries and languages.
The aim of the festival is the gathering of the poets who cooperate on Facebook (by publishing their poems, reading and commenting on each other's poetry), and we want them  to meet, to get to know each other in person at the Festival, to hear each other reciting their verses and transform their virtual literary communication into communication in the real world. If anyone is unable to attend, they can still participate at the Festival by posting their poems on the wall of the Festival's Facebook profile: European Facebook Poetry Festival.
All the people who write poetry, regardless of their age, gender, religion, nationality or profession have the right to participate at the festival.
How to register: Send one unpublished poem written in your mother tongue and your personal data (name, surname, address, phone number) on the following email address: fejsbukfestival@gmail.com The deadline for submission is the 14th of February. We kindly ask the poets to state in their application whether they will be attending the festival or taking part via Facebook. The poets' participation schedule for the 2nd  and  3rd of March  and the exact program of the Festival will be announced in due time.
The poems sent in applications will be published by BKC in an anthology (festival participants' poems) in an electronic edition, on CD.  The BKC's jury will follow the Festival's progress and award the author of the best poem with a publication of her/his  new book of poetry (not more than 48 pages).
EUROPEAN FACEBOOK POETRY FESTIVAL will be broadcasted live by a web camera on the internet address www.bkc.devbin.org and in this way it will be available for viewing for the poets who cannot attend it in person, and for audiences around the world.
Approximately 350 poets  from 20 countries and  almost 100 cities applied for the third EUROPEAN FACEBOOK POETRY FESTIVAL  that took place at The Book Fair in NoviSad and about 150 poets made an appearance at the Festival, while others participated via Facebook.
For all information call +381 (0) 23/781 – 552, or send your questions to an email address: fejsbukfestival@gmail.com