Akciju „100 000 pesnika za promene“ je pokrenuo američki pesnik, kantautor i urednik književnog magazina „Bigbridge.org“, Majkl Rotenberg, sa namerom da što više poetskih stvaralaca okupi oko plemenite ideje da se poezijom može uticati na mnoge negativne pojave i trendove u svetu.
Više od 350 gradova širom sveta, prijavilo je svoje učešće na, dosad najvećem, planetarnom čitanju poezije. Jedan od tih gradova je i Kikinda.
Organizatori akcije „100 000 pesnika za promene“ u Kikindi su Narodna biblioteka „Jovan Popović iz Kikinde i Banatski kulturni centar iz Novog Miloševa. Manifestacija će se održati u Narodnoj biblioteci „Jovan Popović“, 24. septembra 2011. god, sa početkom u 18h.
Pozivamo sve zainteresovane pesnike da svoje pesme pošalju mejlom na adresu pesnicikikinda@gmail.com čime se i prijavljuju za učešće na pesničkom susretu 24. septembra 2011. godine u Biblioteci u Kikindi.
Pesme će biti kako budu pristizale objavljene na sajtuhttp://100hiljadapesnikazapromenekikinda.blogspot.com/
The action "100 000 Poets for Change" was started by an American poet, songwriter, and editor of literary magazine "Bigbridge.org", Michael Rothenberg whose intention was to assemble poetic creators in ever greater numbers in order to be united by the noble idea that poetry can have positive influence on many negative phenomena and trends in the world.
More than 350 towns around the world applied to participate in the largest ever, planetary reading of poetry. Kikinda (Serbia) is one of these towns.
The organizers of the action "100 000 Poets for Change" in Kikinda are National Library "Jovan Popovic" from Kikinda and Banat Cultural Centre from Novo Milosevo. The event will take place at National Library "Jovan Popovic", on the 24th of September 2011, and it will start at 6 p. m.
We invite all poets who are interested in the event to send their poems by email to pesnicikikinda@gmail.com
Poems will be published on website
Let the poetic word resound across the globe. We need your voice as well!