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112 str, ilustr. u boji, broš. povez, 2013. god. Cena: 600 dinara
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U Srbiji se moderno koncipirana ilustracija, uz vekovima prisutnu srednjovekovnu iluminaciju pergamenata i drugih rukopisa, stvara već nekoliko stotina godina. Od tada, objavljen je ogroman broj ilustracija srpskih knjiga, mnogi ilustratori sve do danas sarađuju sa inostranim izdavačima, ali teorija ne prati dovoljno ogroman praktični rad domaćih umetnika. Časopisa o ilustraciji nema, o pojedinim autorima, oblastima, periodima i ostalim temama u nespecijalizovanoj periodici štampano je i „rasuto” na hiljade zasebnih stručnih tekstova, postoje mnogi katalozi i monografije koje se bave segmentima, ali za prethodna dva veka je SAMO JEDNA SRPSKA TEORIJSKA KNJIGA u celini posvećena ovoj grafičkoj disciplini. To je „Ilustrovana štampa za decu kod Srba” Vesne Lakićević Pavićević iz 1994. godine. Ona ima samo 96 stranica!
Ovo je tek druga srpska autorska knjiga ovakve tematike.
Njena autorka je Senka Vlahović Filipov (1985), teoretičarka umetnosti, ali i sama ilustrator, grafički dizajner i multimedijalni umetnik. Diplomirala je 2007. godine na smeru primenjena fotografija u Novom Sadu. Specijalizaciju je 2011. stekla na temi „Ilustracija knjige pesama” kod profesora Bosioka Dorua. U vreme objavljivanja ove knjige okončava master studije na Akademiji umetnosti u Beogradu.
U svom delu autorka čitaoca, koristeći domaće i inostrane izvore i literaturu, prvo provodi kroz opštu istoriju, teoriju i praksu ilustracije. Ona potom pravi pregled ove grafičke discipline, primenjene samo na poeziju, u Srbiji i van nje, da bi na kraju sa opšteg plana prešla na posebni. Kroz primer sopstvenog rada na knjizi poezije „Večernji akt u devojačkoj sobi Lenke Dunđerski“ je in vivo prikazala sve etape kreacije i dileme sa kojima se, kao i svaki drugi ilustrator, sretala.
Ona je promišljala i samu prirodu ilustracije, kao i njene semantičke implikacije, jer je, inspirisane čitanjem poezije, prvo za sebe, nezavisno, slikala klasične slike (velik format, tehnika akril na platnu) koje su izlagane u galerijama. Potom je napravila krug, pa te slike digitalizovala, priključila tekstovima pesama i napravila nezavisnu maketu knjige. Potom je ideju razvila dalje. Te svoje digitalizovane slike je dijaprojektorom projektovala na tela muškog i ženskog modela, fotografisala ih je tako, i na kraju aplicirala na drugu štampanu verziju pomenute knjige poezije. U tekstu je pred čitaocem prošla sve praktične faze rada, od načina impregnacije slikarskog platna, do izbora četkice, kompjuterskog programa za obradu, vrste hartije za štampu i tipa printera.
I razumljivo i primenljivo za svakoga!
I razumljivo i primenljivo za svakoga!
Slobodan Ivkov, urednik
Slobodan Ivkov, editor
In Serbia, modern designed illustration, besides many centuries old medieval illumination of parchments and other manuscripts, has been created for several hundred years. Since then, a large number of illustrations of Serbian books has been published and nowadays many illustrators collaborate with foreign publishers, but the theory does not fulfill adequately a huge practical work of Serbian artists. There are no magazines about illustration, about the individual authors, fields of illustration, periods and other topics and thousands of expert separate texts were printed and “scattered over” these non specialized periodicals and there are many catalogs and monographs that deal with segments; and during the last two centuries ONLY ONE SERBIAN THEORETICAL BOOK was entirely dedicated to this graphics discipline. This is “Serbian Illustrated Press for Children” by Vesna Lakicevic Pavicevic, which was published in 1994. It has only 96 pages!
This is only the second Serbian author`s book that deals with this topic.
Its author is Senka Vlahovic Filipov (1985), a theorists of art, an illustrator, a graphic designer and a multimedia artist. In 2007, she graduated from Novi Sad University at the department of applied photography. In 2011, with the help of her mentor-professor Bosioka Dorua, she acquired specialization on the topic “Illustration of Poems”. While this book is being published, she is finishing her master studies at the Academy of Arts in Belgrade.
In her work, the author first leads the reader through general history, theory, and practice of illustration, by using our and foreign sources and literature. She then makes a review of this graphic discipline, which was applied only to poetry, in Serbia and abroad, and finally she abandons the overall plan in order to write about the separate plan. Through the example of her own work in the book of poetry “An Evening Nudity in Lenka Dundjerski`s Bachelorette Room”, she showed in vivo all stages of creation and dilemmas that she encountered, like all illustrators.
She pondered over the very nature of illustration, as well as its semantic implications, because she had painted classical paintings (large format, acrylic on canvas), inspired by reading poetry, first for herself, independently, and afterwards these paintings were exhibited in galleries. Then, she made a circle, digitized these paintings, added them to the lyrics and made an independent model of a book. After that, she developed her idea further. She used image projector and projected her digitized paintings on the bodies of male and female models, she made photographs of them and she finally applied them to the second printed version of the book mentioned above. Her text led the reader through all practical phases of work, such as: the way of impregnation of a canvas, the selection of the brush, the computer program for processing, the type of paper for printing and the type of printer.
And it is understandable and applicable for everyone!
Its author is Senka Vlahovic Filipov (1985), a theorists of art, an illustrator, a graphic designer and a multimedia artist. In 2007, she graduated from Novi Sad University at the department of applied photography. In 2011, with the help of her mentor-professor Bosioka Dorua, she acquired specialization on the topic “Illustration of Poems”. While this book is being published, she is finishing her master studies at the Academy of Arts in Belgrade.
In her work, the author first leads the reader through general history, theory, and practice of illustration, by using our and foreign sources and literature. She then makes a review of this graphic discipline, which was applied only to poetry, in Serbia and abroad, and finally she abandons the overall plan in order to write about the separate plan. Through the example of her own work in the book of poetry “An Evening Nudity in Lenka Dundjerski`s Bachelorette Room”, she showed in vivo all stages of creation and dilemmas that she encountered, like all illustrators.
She pondered over the very nature of illustration, as well as its semantic implications, because she had painted classical paintings (large format, acrylic on canvas), inspired by reading poetry, first for herself, independently, and afterwards these paintings were exhibited in galleries. Then, she made a circle, digitized these paintings, added them to the lyrics and made an independent model of a book. After that, she developed her idea further. She used image projector and projected her digitized paintings on the bodies of male and female models, she made photographs of them and she finally applied them to the second printed version of the book mentioned above. Her text led the reader through all practical phases of work, such as: the way of impregnation of a canvas, the selection of the brush, the computer program for processing, the type of paper for printing and the type of printer.
And it is understandable and applicable for everyone!